
Leap Motion Debuts in 3D Control Device

Leap Motion Debuts in 3D Control Device - leap motion release date, leap imac, leap for imac, imac leap. Leap Motion is one of the most sophisticated technologies presented to the publicrecently again. Leap movement menlengserkan dominance of Microsoft Kinect loan, because, according to the rumors of more sophisticated jump motion with higher levels of sensitivity. A company called Leap of movement launched "the world's most accurate" device 3D motion control, he says is 200 times more sensitive thanMicrosoft Kinect device. Claims have made a leap of giant, well, a leap forward in the motion tracking devices and that can change the way we interact with devices.
Leap Motion Debuts in 3D Control Device
Leap Motion 200 times more sensitive

Accurate to 1/100th of a millimeter, which also includes multi-touch pinch to zoom like and can recognize the movements of the fingers. The demo video (below) shows-off a first-person shooter flight simulator, and the development of mapping and 3D applications. Leap said its technology is versatile enough for use in smartphones, tablets, refrigerators and cars, and adapted as such in the future.

Leap Motion, however, is 200 times more sensitive than anything else on the market, in accordance with the company, and can detect the movement downwards to the contraction of a finger of light. The motion control system creates a four cubic meters "interaction space in three dimensions," and would be more accurate and sensitive than a mouse or screen touch, and as reliable as a keyboard.

Leap Motion CTO David Holz gave a demonstration of CNET, which shows how the system performs a series of functions such as navigating the operating system or web surfing with a subtle movement of the finger, pinch to zoom in maps, allowing engineers work with a 3D model of the clay handling complex data visualization in the 3D drawing accuracy in 2D or 3D games to play, writing in the air to sign digital documents, and other functions as fresh.

Break open movement for developers

Another notable aspect is that the movement wants to break free technology in a diverse ecosystem home to many third party applications, rather than keep it shut and trying to develop the application itself.

"We want to create a dynamic system as a developer as possible, and we approach the developers of all kinds of areas," CEO Michael Buckwald movement Jump tells CNET. "We want that changed the world of applications that will fundamentally transform the way people interact with their operating systems, or surf the web ... The goal is to fundamentally transform the way people interact with computers and do the same so that the mouse did, which means that the transformation affects everyone, from the simplest case all the way to use use cases more advanced than you can imagine to computer technology. "

Unlike Microsoft, which launched the Kinect as a closed system, elected jump motion from the beginning to involve developers. The company wants users who bought the jump motion control system to access an application store and buy a wide range of applications created for the device. "We believe, finally, the numerous cases of use of this technology are so large that the value can only be achieved by making it open," said Buckwald, quoted by CNET.

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Leap movement soon?
Currently, the team is looking for passionate developers and wants to give some software development kits and free units Leap for game developers, interface designers, artists and others. Coders can submit their application status in Falls site developer. Otherwise, open a limited number of pre-orders for the product - with deliveries scheduled before year end. The unit will cost $ 70 (£ 44). Kinect package for Windows, by contrast, costs about £ 170 when it ships sometime between December 2012 and January 2013.

And more video on the iMac Salto 3D motion


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